I am new to blogging ,not really sure what I want to do with this site just thought I would give it a shot and see what comes of it.
As I learn how to use this site please forgive bad posting but I swear as I go along I will get better at it it.
A little about me I am 50ish a granmama of one sweet little girl. I work a full time job most of the time,lately it has been hard to get full time hrs.I am married to a difficult but great guy.(what guy isn't difficult)I like traveling so long as my feet stay on the ground.That means I am limited to the united states, Mexico and Canada. (I don't feel limited there is so much I haven't seen or done yet.)I cook to relax but hate the pressure of having dinner ready every night.I would rather eat at home then eat out, I think I am a better cook then most restaurant cooks.I sew, garden,read,and craft for fun and excitement, when I am not traveling.For exercise I walk so most of my travels include good walking trails.I have an odd hobby or passion I like walking thru old cemeteries I find it very relaxing the old ones are the best.
Wow! Beautiful writing and photos! You make me want to go there now!